The Ushers/Greeters Ministry greets worshipers and escorts them to their seats; distribute materials related to the worship service and direct individuals to give tithes and offerings in an orderly manner. The Ambassadors ministry revolves around serving first; and ushering comes second.
The Hospitality Ministry assists in ensuring members, guests and visitors are welcomed in all environments. Whether it is preparing food, set up for events, hotel arrangements for visiting members or serving our Pastor and First lady, this ministry excels in the spirit of hospitality.
The Security Ministry of Grace City, which is designed to keep a healthy and controlled environment for worship. Ensures the Pastor and members are safe and protected during every worship experience. We stand as the watchmen on the wall.
The Transportation Ministry provides members and visitors with arrival and departure from the church and its events through vehicle pick up.
Music and Arts Ministry
The Music and Ministry Arts serves as one body united in spirit and purpose to create an atmosphere of worship. It is comprised of skilled musicians, anointed singers, powerful lyricists, dancers and actors. Our sole intention is to usher people into the presence of God and prepare people’s hearts for the hearing of God’s word.
The Dance Ministry’s mission is to serve, reclaim and demonstrate truth through the ministry of dance. We are used as vessels to bring forth the word of God through movement.
The Drama Ministry is one of the creative arms of Grace City Church that serves God through a multiplicity of gifts and talents. As they may entertain, they never lose focus to transform and impact lives of people.
The Technology Ministry provides support of all of Grace City services and activities via video, audio, and social media.
Congregational Care
Joy City - To Learn More visit the Ministry page here
Youth Ministry is a ministry designed to address the spiritual needs of young people between the ages of 12-18, and to empower them to become responsible leaders.
MOI (Men of Integrity) is a ministry focused on the development of the total man. Our goal is to position men to take their rightful God ordained place, and empower them spiritually, economically, physically, academically and socially.
Women of Grace is a ministry for total development of women, focused on spiritual growth and leadership, service to God and community, and social enrichment.
The Marriage Ministry mission is to restore the sacredness of marriage by spiritually empowering men and women to a deeper understanding of God’s ordained purpose for their unity.
The Prayer Ministry mobilizes a united prayer effort within the church to encourage, teach and mentor intercessors that will give priority and emphasis to prayer in life and ministry. The ministry serves our local church through intercessory prayer and mentors intercessors for a global harvest.
FOCAS (Fellowship of Christian Adult Singles )Ministry of Grace City Church is dedicated to encouraging, educating and empowering Christian singles to live their lives with abundance, excellence, and integrity. The ministry provides activities, which focus on the total person. Our activities include Bible studies, fellowships, social outings and civic opportunities.
SOAR (Sisters, Overcoming, Achieving, Reaching) Ministry mission is to help women build Faith, Commitment and Consistency in God.
Christian Life Academy supports the membership and the community in furthering their Christian education. We achieve our mission by sponsoring workshops, conference, and classes to strengthen the believer.
The Douglass Project goals are to assist students in upgrading their reading, math and critical thinking skills that will prepare them for attaining their high school diploma or completing their GED. This will provide them the opportunity to prepare for transition to either the workforce or college.
Scholarship Ministry supports the membership by securing resources and providing opportunities for students to consider college. The ministry hosts workshops, informational sessions, college fairs and expos, being a conduit for scholarship information, awarding scholarships and by creating opportunities for self-empowerment through collaborations and partnerships with organizations and institutions that support higher learning, training and development.
Outreach & Evangelism
Jacob’s Well Ministry goes beyond the sanctuary to restore hope into the hearts, mind and spirits of humankind. This ministry consists of prison, addiction, homeless, and street ministry.
Springs of Grace Ministry is a weekly spiritual recovery meeting for those who are looking to overcome drug and alcohol addiction.
Sankofa Academy of Excellence mission is to create the essential space for the spiritual, cultural, social, academic and mental development of young ladies grades 4th – 9th. Providing proven mentorship models, planned projects, literature and more. Core topics include language/communications, careers, education, making a difference, Self-Respect, Self Esteem, Relationships, Body Image, Etiquette and Dress, Transition to High School, Entrepreneurship and Africa.
City Corps Ministry focuses on the needs of people in our surrounding communities and ignite various initiatives such as Imagine 150 (promote reading by encouraging parents to sign their children up for Imagination Station), You Have What it Takes job training and job fair, Keep Them Covered Coat Drive for children in the local schools, PSA Screening to bring awareness and educate men the importance of Prostate Cancer testings.
Missions Ministry provides opportunities and resources to meet the changing needs and concerns of people throughout the church, the community and the world, and offer a fellowship so strong, a message so convincing and so enthusiastically contagious, that the Gospel through us will be at work in the world.