Grace City exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both word and action to all people; introducing unbelievers to the eternal salvation of God while holistically developing believers to become mature Christians.
Ours is a world where lives are restored through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, minds are renewed through the Word of God, and underserved communities are rebuilt to the glory of God.
7 Things You Should Know About Us!
We are a Christ-Centered, Bible-Based, and Holy Spirit-Empowered non-denominational and multi-generational congregation with local and international service commitments endeavoring to please God in our worship, discipleship, fellowship, and stewardship.
We believe in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to embolden our witness, guide us in our relationships, reveal truth, and ultimately transform our lives.
We are a church that “feels” deeply, “thinks” critically, and “acts” intentionally to follow the teaching of Christ in service to the poor, working for justice for the oppressed, and sharing the love of Jesus to all we meet. We believe that worship requires that we Love Mercy, Do Justice, and Walk Humbly with our God.
We are one church with locations in three cities, in a two-state area and local commitment of the Quad Cities Region.
We are a convergence of Millennials, Generation X’ers, and Baby Boomers wearing everything from suits, slacks, sport coats and dresses to jeans, khakis, sweaters, and sneakers.
We enjoy the expression of the gifts of music, dance, spoken-word, poetry, and drama during worship services and welcome innovation and technology as tools in reaching people with a relevant Gospel and a changeless Christ communicated in various ways.
We are non-denominational in Christian expression not because we do not value denominations but because we seek to enjoy the fellowship of those raised with Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Evangelical commitments of the past and now wish to be “one” with each other as we introduce new believers to the unity of Christ with Him as our focus. In short, we appreciate the long history of Denominations and believe God called us to express His enduring love non-denominationally.
Our Rock Island location is the Grace City Cathedral (1925 5th Ave); a historical site built in 1880’s downtown Rock Island, IL.
Our Moline location is referred to as Grace City Center (2313 44th Street) located in the heart of city, just off of Avenue of Cities in Moline, IL.
Our Davenport, IA location is called Argrow’s House of Healing and Hope (downtown West Davenport); a 501(C)3 faith-based non-profit organization which provides free holistic services of domestic violence support groups, counseling, spiritual direction, music therapy, plant therapy, art therapy and bible study for women healing from domestic and sexual violence at no cost.
We would love to see you and meet you personally.
Senior Pastor: Chief Servant Leader of the church, called and appointed by the Lord, possessing the chief accountability of governance for the Lord’s church in all spiritual and administrative matters.
Associate Pastors: Staffed Pastors, Licensed and Ordained operating in leadership with the responsibility of serving particular groups e.g. Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Evangelism and Outreach, etc…), all appointed by the Senior Pastor and reporting to his/her office.
Elders: Licensed and Ordained staffed leadership or lay members who are called by God, appointed by the Senior Pastor to assist in the area of membership arbitration and service to the Body of Christ with wisdom, discretion, and knowledge of Scripture.
Ministers: Licensed but not Ordained ministers who have responded to the call to preach, actively engaged in developmental classes, and serving in the capacity of their gifts.
Deacons: Men and women who have been appointed by the Senior Pastor to assist in the overall care of the membership in the area of service. Appointed after observation of Christian character and ordained to such office.
Administration: Staffed professionals having both Christian character and competence in their area of expertise. These positions range from Administration Manager, Administrators to Chief of Staff.
Executive Council: A collaboration of representatives from the above stated ministries and administration and others, which the pastors deemed necessary; the Senior Pastor appoints all members.
Directors/Coordinators: Laymen/women who have been appointed by the Senior Pastor to lead various ministries and outreach endeavors. Appointed after observation of Christian Character and have demonstrated gifting, passion, and commitment in the area of service.